
Monday, 24 February 2020

A Drop of You-Krishna Chhetri

Book: A Drop of You
Author: Krishna Chhetri
Publisher: Quignog Books

Forever Love; is it a myth, a reality or is it something else?

A Drop of You by Krishna Chhetri explores this concept. It is the story of three very closely-knit people, Karma, Diana and ghazal who meet at the crossroads of life, unaware of the game of life being played with them. Sailing on the tides of emotion, they encounter multiple emotions such as deceit, bliss, love and many more. How they deal with it forms the plot.

A Drop of You by Krishna Chhetri has been developed on a wonderful concept of multiple levels of love. The story explores the different types of love that each of us has and each of us crave. Karma, Ghazal and Diana represent three different stages of love. Karma is the unadulterated love, that sees no deceit and exists for the person he loves. Ghazal is the love from the heart, which can be manipulated by emotions and finally Diana who is the love that we all crave for and yet she is the once who’s never gotten true love. The plot examines and moves as the relationships between Ghazal, Karma and Diana mature with times. The story is good, but the excessively lyrical prose makes it very difficult to consider it as a novel. It seems that we are sitting through a musical and it would be an absolute delight to consume as an audiobook, but in prose and printed form, it seems excessive. Another point that brings down the book is the author’s excessive use of thesaurus to insert longer words to make the characters sound intelligent, but in reality, they cause the conversations to look fake. The switching of perspectives in between chapters is very hazy and it is a task to understand who is speaking. The climax seems hurried and makes truly no sense with the concept of the book.

Talking about the characters, Diana’s character has been dealt with in detail but for all other characters, the same cannot be said. Karma, as a character was very amazing but the author’s treatment of him in the story towards the end was pathetic. This broke the flow of the plot completely. The characters move in and out and do things out of nowhere which again is very implausible.

Overall, a confusing read and this one scores a 2.5/5 for me.

Get the book here

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