
Wednesday, 16 February 2022

What I Hate Most-Milan Vohra

Book: What I Hate Most
Author: Milan Vohra
Publisher: Amazon Kindle

Are there moments you wish you had said things differently?

What I Hate Most by Milan Vohra is a short story about a couple married for almost 30 years. Where every day of their lives and every sentence in the story tells you what he hates about her. And what she hates about him. She hates how even today it hurts, because like a fool she wants him to say something different, something from his heart - just once to her. But every time, once in the year when she tells herself she'll ask him once more, just this last time, "Do you love me?” he looks surprised as if it’s so immature of her to want to know. "What kind of silly question is that?" That's his answer. Every single year. Will it change this year? Is it even a love story if no one ever says 'I love you' to the other? An off-beat story of love gone old that is sure to pull at your heartstrings.

This year’s Valentine’s Day read; this is a short story that is told using just statements by a couple about what they hate about each other. Developing an interesting concept, the story starts small, and slowly builds up to the reason why the conversation is taking place. I liked the fact that how, even though they are talking about the things they have about each other, the couple is actually expressing their love for each other and telling us the story of their life in the last 30 years. The storytelling is interesting, and I liked how Milan introduces a hook question that culminates into an end that one would not have foreseen in the beginning. The attention to detail is worthy of an applause, specially to the visual cues that have been built into the story.

The reason why I would recommend this story is because, it is a quick read, is imaginative and has the bandwidth of almost a full-length romance novel. So, if you are a die-hard romantic and love reading a wonderful love story, do read this story which scores a 4.81/5 for me.

Get a copy of the book on Amazon India here.

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